Saturday, July 28, 2007

What a Beautiful Day!

Hi all! Today we had the company picnic in Middle River, MD, and I took a friend from church with me (Mike) to help me with the kids and although it was a long afternoon, we had a blast! The kids ate a lot of food... so did Mike for that matter... I ate more than I expected to, but at least I had the experience of having to beat the food out of the crab shell in order to eat it! It was kinda theraputic to whack the little suckers to break the shells! We had ice cream, hotdogs, hamburgers, brownies, crabs, and of course cold cut sandwiches. There was face painting, tug-of-war, limbo (they didn't let adults play though, only kids... I coulda beat them!), characatures (they ran out of time so I didn't get mine... WAH! I wanted to get one with large shoulder blades... private joke... no need to comment on it), a beach, playground, sand... everything you need to come home with three VERY messy children... so we did exactly that, I put them in the tub and scrubbed, and you'd never know they had so much fun today! The weather was good, the company was good, the kids fairly well behaved, and the traffic did eventually cause us to have a detour to get home faster, but all in all an uneventful drive.

Had such a wonderful time, the weather was great for it, and I wish it could have been with all my loyal readers, fans, and of course friends and family rather than the co-workers, but without that it was still a blast!

Hugs & Love


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great time...hey Rach, you need to remind Craig that he has a blog. I'm tired of reading the same thing. LOL

Snoyarc said...

7+ years and you're still calling me "Rach" you just know you're out of arms reach now!

I'll forward this to Craig... He told me work has gotten busy though.

Hugs & Love

David said...

"Rach" is better than "Snoyarc!" What the heck is that, anyway? It sounds like some kind of underwater mollusk :D .

Snoyarc said...

"Rach" was the evil rachel in HS... evil is a kind word for her too...

"Snoyarc" is CRAYONS spelled backwards. By now you should be sensing a theme in my screennames... crayons, crayonmommy, crayonbox, snoyarc, snorarcmommy, crayonorama... it's all about crayons! Didn't you ever wonder why I am so childlike? It's because I love crayons and love to color!

Hugs & Love

David said...

Is your deam job to work in a crayon factory?

Snoyarc said...

nope! I had a friend do that, and I grew up in the same town as Crayola... it's hot yukky work... must more enjoyable to COLOR than to make the crayons.