Thursday, July 5, 2007

Bible Blog: Genesis 20 - July 5, 2007

Hagar: Part V (Honest, she's in the story tomorrow!)

Thankfully, I'm a free child of God and allowed to ask Him any questions I want or I'd be in a lot of trouble right now! The basic run-down of this family is that there is one old man, two little old women who became moms late in life, two little boys who forever will be at war because matters were taken into Sarah's hands, a lot of sore and swollen genitalia because of a covenant made with God, and a multitude of other issues. But when push comes to shove Abraham is afraid to trust in God and His protection and fears death because he thinks Sarah is a little (old) hottie? I do not understand how you can trust God enough to take a blade to a very sensitive region of your anatomy and then not trust Him to keep you and your wife safe. Nor do I understand why a man who loves his wife and think she's a hottie is willing to let that woman out of his sight as the wife of another man for any period of time!

The only thing I do understand about this passage is something that all women need, want and crave from the men they love... Abraham thought his wife, an old woman, was so desirable that he would be killed so other men could have her. Be honest here ladies, we all know that what really counts about ourselves are the creations we become through Christ, that through Him we are beautiful... but every woman wants to be desirable to the man she loves, it's built into us, we want to know that when he looks at us he sees beauty, when he looks at us he wants to find a way to get off work early to spend more time with us, when he looks at us nothing else in the world seems to matter to him. We want to be desirable, we want to be wanted, not needed, we want someone to long for us the way we long for him. Abraham felt so strongly for his wife, that although she was old, past her prime and past realistic child bearing years, that he felt he would be killed so another man could take her, he found her so desirable that he couldn't imagine anyone else not feeling the same way.

I don't think that's necessarily what I was supposed to get from this passage, but that's the part that I understand of it. Would love to hear from you about the rest of it if you'd like to share!

Hugs & Love

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