Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bible Blog: Romans 12:9-13 - July 30, 2007

How to Behave: Part III

Five short verses, part of a larger passage that tells us how to love, yet there is so much in just the first few words that to think on it all at once would be overwhelming. Verse 9a "Love must be sincere." We're not talking about the smile we give, the all too easily spoken words, "I'm praying for you," or even the superficial "call me if you need anything," that we so often hear. We are talking about REAL love, God's love, for our fellow man. The kind of love that pushes men and women into full time missions work, the kind of love that burns inside us longing to give others what Christ has given us... a love filled with compassion and understanding, a legitimate and heartfelt interest in those around us.

Verse 13 tells us that one of the ways to do this is by practicing hospitality. For most people, this is focused on the host or hostess, the preparations, the house, the decor. True hospitality is from the heart, can be offering a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at a messy table with too many children in the midst of a chaotic and toy strewn living room just to keep a person feeling involved, included and loved. The other is about the home and appearances, it is superficial, meaningless, but to give of yourself, to listen, be a friend, a shoulder to cry on, to practice hospitality even on a park bench, giving crackers to the homeless and keeping them company as they eat it, this is true hospitality... and it's what God wants from us!

Hugs & Love


Anonymous said...

I agree. But try this one on for size...how about it also being about not allowing ourselves to choose who is deserving of that love? How about extending the same love we do to those that are obviously good recipients...to those that have hurt us deeply? Ouch. Trust me..I'm talking to myself here.

Snoyarc said...

Yeah, I know, I have trouble sometimes loving those who have hurt me... but I do go out of my way to do it when I remember... which isn't often enough. I should keep this in mind every time my boss irritates me!