Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bible Blog: Romans 12:3-8 - July 26, 2007

How to Behave: Part II

Do you realize that one of the personality traits everyone has in common is that we all have a sense of self-esteem and it directly impacts our behaviors? As a mom to three small children I can see this so clearly! When my oldest feels inadequate she gets grumpy and mean towards those around her, when my middle child feels over confident she gets bossy and controlling, and when my youngest realizes he can get someone to laugh he plays the part of a clown. They are all behaving according to their perception of their self worth.

In verse 3, Paul warns us about being too prideful or thinking we are better than others, and charges us to "think of yourself with sober judgement." Fortunately, the verses to follow illustrate the worth of everyone within the body of Christ or we could find ourselves tempted to have negative self esteem issues... something which as Christians comes all too easily for us if we read verse 3 alone, so let's continue...

Verses 4&5 point out that our physical bodies have different parts that perform different functions... face it, when was the last time you walked on your eye or typed with your hair? How about lifting with your nose or eating with your knees? Each part has a specific job, a purpose... yes, sometimes those jobs can overlap, but never will you digest food with your brain or hear with your toes! Our bodies are highly specialized, and as a part of the body of Christ, we are each highly specialized, perfectly created to perform the function God wants us to do for Him... how awesome is that?!?!? I doubt I'd be alone in admitting there are times when I say, "If only I could ________, I'd be doing God's will." WAIT! That's NOT right! I should be saying, "As long as I do what God designed me to do I am pleasing Him." As many people who know me are aware, I have a passion for helping under privileged children, the disabled, teenage mothers, and abused women. I want to work with these beautiful people, help them see their worth and help them grow to Be all God wants them to be... but I keep reminding myself that my training is as an engineer and I need to do that work to keep food on the table... that I can't possibly use this desire to help for God's will... WAIT! I AM living my purpose (at least at this point in time) by being an example to the underprivileged, disabled, sing mothers, and abused women of a life that has been turned around through God's grace and mercy. When someone comes to me asking how I can do it all, balance life, keep from going crazy, etc... I give the glory to God and thank Him in front of the person reminding me how He helps me all the time. People can see that I still have physical challenges from my health conditions, that I'm still a single mother to three small children, that I was declared disabled at a young age, and that at the time of my divorce I had no money to take care of the three precious babies God gave me... but then they look to what God has done in my life, I'm an engineer, I make ends meet, I send my children to private school, I'm active in church ministries, and although there are still days of significant illness, they see me singing God's praises through the pain. God has allowed me these trials so I can be an inspiration and a source of encouragement to others facing difficulties of this nature.

That brings us to verses 6-8... but I don't need to list off the traits listed in the Bible. They are valid, but I don't believe that this list, or any other, is an exhaustive list of the gifts and talents God gives us for His purpose. I believe every experience, joyful or sorrowful, is something God can and will use... but only if we let Him!

What unlikely experience might God use from your life? A car accident? Divorce? Rape? Abortion? Jealousy? Temper? Rage? Prejudice? Suicide? All these things on the surface seem negative, and are undoubtedly things you did not enjoy at the time, but growing through them, healing from them, and turning them around to God's glory can make it worth the experience.

I hope you look for God's gifts in your life today. I plan to look for more as I selah on this one!

Hugs & Love


Anonymous said...

Good word. I believe that God created us for such special purposes that some jobs are specifically for us to accomplish. Our talents, giftings, callings are all orchestrated to be what they are for preordained purposes. I think that reaching out to the couple in Pizza Hut was your job to do. And no one else could have had the heart of compassion that you did at that moment in time. Amazing, isn't it. It's awesome that God loved them so much as to send you..and such an awesome honor for you to be God's arms that wrapped around that woman.
I think that getting a good perspective on our identity in Christ is so important, because , you're's easy enough to feel inadequate or insecure in everyday situations. If we stand on who He says we are we never have to feel that way.

Snoyarc said...

Isn't it awesome that we can have complete confidence when we have Him?