Thursday, July 12, 2007


I'm typing this on my lunch break, so it won't be long (aren't you glad? I know you love how long winded I am!)

Anyway, I am admitting that I didn't read my Bible yesterday. I did pray though. I did the usual dinner with friend(s) on a Wed evening, but because of pain went to my house instead of to prayer with my Bible study so I could take my medications in the safety of my home (instead of needing to drive) one friend joined me and stayed until about midnight, even though I had to have been kinda loopy company. So by the time I locked up I was pretty far out of it and fell asleep quickly.

You know, you COULD actually post just to say hi though if you want to... I wouldn't mind!

Hugs & Love


Anonymous said...

HI! We all know you just wanted to be loopy. Just admit it. LOL

Snoyarc said...

Loopy is a good thing... especially when I forget that I'm in pain! I just keep reminding myself God has a reason for this too, if He won't take it away, maybe it's just so I can have more loopy drugged moments when people can learn who the real me is! haha!

Anonymous said...

I rememeber taking some serious stuff when they put me under to have my wisdom teeth removed. One minute I was laughing at something stupid, the next I was crying because I felt paralyzed, and I felt I knew what it was like to be grandpa with Parkinson's disease that keeps him immobile.

It's one of those things your mother will never forget about, either.

I'm glad I don't do drugs. I couldn't imagine being like that all of the time. I'd go nuts, having all of my walls down like that all the time. Us shy people have a layered defense. Drugs that remove all of them is bad.