Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Hi, someone mentioned missing me, I'm sorry.

I've had a bad week with pain and it caught up with me. I have been reading my Bible, mostly for encouragement right now, not for learning. I intend to read a passage and pick it apart this evening and hopefully even post on it (assuming the hands cooperate) so you can all see what my brain has been up to.

Hugs & Love,
Thanks for caring!


Anonymous said...

That is just as important to post as what you're reading. We need to be able to pray accurately for ya, girl! Take care and know that you are in our prayers.

David said...

Yes. You should post things you learn, but you shouls also post random nonsense, like what I do!

Bare your soul! (just kidding [well, sort of]). We'll treat it gently...I trust you all to do the same.