Saturday, July 28, 2007

How Cool is God?

As you know, I'm reading Romans right now and doing the "How to Behave" series. The last post I made (Thursday... and due to the new meds and side effects, not to mention the thunder storm last night I did not do anything... different discussion) was on Romans 12:3-8, I asked you all to consider using the unlikely, painful aspects of your life as a way to please God... I had an opportunity last night to do exactly that!

Because of the pain I am in (although feeling somewhat better today and actually got sleep last night) I went to drop off my prescription at the pharmacy and then took the children to Pizza Hut for dinner while waiting for them to fill the script. I really can't eat pizza, there is nothing at Pizza Hut I can really safely eat because of my gastric bypass, but for whatever reason, when I was trying to decide where to go for dinner, this place kept bursting into my mind as the place to go, so knowing the kids would love it, that's where we went.

When I went to pay the bill I stood next to a woman whom most would overlook. Nothing was flashy about her, she was minding her own business, had a brave smile on her face... but the smile didn't meet her eyes. I asked her if there was anything I could do to help... she told me her story, which I don't feel comfortable posting for the whole world to see so I won't, but many of the trials she is currently facing I have experienced in my own life. Much of the pain she is feeling, I too felt... and I was able to show her my healthy little girl bouncing around the restaurant after successfully enduring the same situation this family is now facing... and it offered her encouragement.

Our trials may seem like burdens at the time we are going through them, but God has a greater purpose for them. I am hoping to be part of leading this family to Christ's love, I was blessed to give this woman a hug (actually several) and know that I was offering her comfort from God, something she desperately needs at this time.

I don't believe this was a chance meeting, I believe it was orchestrated by God as a way to open up this family to the love He has to offer during a time when they are vulnerable and feel the need for the Comforter more than anything else. And it directly ties in with the passage He had me read and the realizations that how I am living is how He wants me to serve Him. How awesome is it that God would offer me affirmation of the legitimacy of an insight in such a real, tangible way in such a short time frame that I was still in the pondering stages and trying to find a practical application of what I feel He was trying to tell me.

I love the Lord so much! This is so awesome! Hope you agree!

Hugs & Love

PS Where are the responses to my posts? I am seeing more of the "light" responses and playful things, but no comments or feedback on the Bible related postings... I do want to know your thoughts, either as confirmation or opposition... I like to know the thoughts of others, it helps me figure out my own!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I haven't been up on your latest post. I can't wait to read it but right now I have to get to the laundry mat or I"ll be there all day. I promise once I read them I'll give you feed know me..can't keep my mouth shut anyway. LOL
Hope you're doing better and really excited about what's going on with Dennis and Bernadette.
Love ya!

David said...

I prayed for the people you requested me to. It seems that God used you, but you don't need me to tell you that, you can see it for yourself.

Snoyarc said...

Hi David & Joanne... yes I can see God is using me... it is great too, I never would have thought that before, but I've been told about a lot of things that I don't see as God using me also, so I need to get a better grip on those things.

Yes Jo, I know you can't keep your mouth shut!

Hugs & Love