Friday, July 13, 2007

Bible Blog: Matthew 17:14-21 - July 13, 2007

Faith as small as a mustard seed

A friend of mine sent this to me today, it's for his men's Bible study and he can't invite me because I don't know the secret handshake, but he sent me the questions and I'm going to answer them as well as anything else that pops into my head.

Did you ever stop to think how small a mustard seed is? Go here: to get an idea... it's very very tiny. So tiny in fact that saying that the disciples didn't have faith that large would have torn them to shreds emotionally, at least, if I were in their shoes I'd feel horrible if my Lord told me my faith was that small!

Here are the discussion questions and my humble opinions based on how I would feel in the same situation:

1. How do you think the disciples felt, in verse 16, that they had been unable to heal the boy?

Based on how the passage is worded, I think they would have felt a bit helpless and sad that they couldn't make this child better, but I think as soon as Jesus rebuked them and told them how much they could do with faith that is as tiny as a mustard seed that they started to feel guilty, insufficient, and as though they were a disappointment to Jesus.

2. What are some of the reasons that the disciples' faith was insufficient to cast out the demon?

Part of it had to be that they were dealing with something unfamiliar to them. When we are uncertain of ourselves and our abilities we often do a lesser job than we are capable of. These men were no different, they were just like you and me, they had average lives, how often have YOU tried to cast out a demon? Could you even identify if a person was inhabited by one? I don't think I could!

3. Are there situations in our lives when our faith is tested and we fall short? Why?

Our faith is tested on nearly a daily basis, trusting God will provide when our paycheck is a bit slim, trusting that His strength can carry us through any situation... the ways we are tested are limitless.... but we fall short because it is not in human nature to trust, it is not in our nature to believe in the unseen, and it's not in our nature to give up control in a difficult situation. We want to fix it ourselves, make it all better, and more often than not, we make it worse.

4. In your estimation, how much faith do you really have and how well do you exercise it?

I want to say I have a lot of faith, I rely on God heavily, every day, every hour. I grumbled on here a few days ago about being lonely and although my longing for a mate is there, God has taken the feeling of hopelessness from me... He provided me with a sense of peace about an ongoing issue in my life, and if that weren't enough, I just have to think back to the fire we had last fall and remember how rapidly He provided our very basic needs and kept me and my children safe. I pray I always live that way, but I know I won't because it's not in my nature.

These questions make you think... a lot... at least, they do if you really want to get something from them! Gotta admit though, these questions would be more interesting as a discussion, I think you can get a lot more out of something when you have someone to discuss it with, well, sometimes you can. That's why I value feedback on here so much, I really do want to know what you think and I want to know if you think I'm off track or something because I don't want to think one thing and find out I'm not even close.

Hugs & Love


Anonymous said...

Hey Ray,
I have to say that in light of all the teachings I've been getting on the "we are a new creation in Christ" message that I'd like to challenge your thinking a little bit. The Bible says we are new creations when we get saved. It doesn't say over time, with a whole lot of sweat and tears, we might get a little says God has recreated who we are when we receive Jesus. Why don't we feel that way? Because of what we CHOOSE to believe about ourselves. If we see ourselves as God sees us (through what Jesus did and in right standing with longer identifying as someone who is enslaved to sin ..but as a saint who occasionally sins) the we get a better picture of our identity.
I think Jesus rebuked the disciples because they weren't understanding their authority through Him and He knew what they would face..once He was not with them. They needed to get it while He was there that all authority was His to give...and He did. They needed a shift in their belief system. That's why He said if you only have a tiny bit of faith you can move a mountain.
The thing I wanted to challenge for you is that you say "I'm just made up that way" or "I'm not made up that way" or "I'm wired differently". Are you speaking of who you see yourself as...or as the new creation in Christ who can do all things through Him who strengthens you? The Bible says "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.(Prov 18:21)"
Are you speaking life or death over what you are able to do? Whatever you speak is the "fruit you will eat". In otherwords..we will live by what we believe and out of the heart the mouth speaks. can do can be everything you ever wanted to be or that God wants you to be by just choosing to believe that God's word is true...not just the verses we find comforting but the ones that stretch us out of our comfort zones too. Who I am as a new creation is made and wired very differently than who I was before. Now I am made up with the mind of Christ...that's what the Bible says. Now I am wired to do even more powerful miracles than Jesus did...according to the Word. Just something to think about. I really enjoy reading your the way! Sorry this is so long.

Snoyarc said...

Hi Jo,

I answered more on what was on the surface than anything... I'm working on learning to keep the personal stuff to myself because I want that intimacy with Christ and if we share it all it isn't a personl relationship, ya know?

Anonymous said...

As a note, I have cast out demons. It is not like The Exorcist or any of that, though it may have been in Christ's time. Twice in one weekend I have cast them out; once in a woman who was gripped by many, and also by a friend who was being attacked and prevented from reaching God.

But you can tell when they are there. It often is manifest in a person who you are trying to talk about spiritual things with. C.S. Lewis really hit the nail on the head when he talked about the 3 different sources of temptations; The World, the Flesh, and the Devil. People who are caught up in the world will sound one way, those of the Flesh another, and those of Devils yet another way.

People who have Devils will seem when you talk to them. they will throw out vague things, and will often not be speaking on the same level you are. It will be confusing as to whether or not they are actually saved. They will never acknowledge the sacrifice of Christ for our sins, and his divinity.

I believe that in current times, demons have changed the way they act, to 'suit the environment'. A bunch of flailing around and puking is going to get attention. But to keep a person in a spiritual haze and misguide them just enough so they miss the mark? That is better, at least where we are now. Things are far different in other parts of the world.