Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bible Blog: Luke 13:10-13 - July 19, 2007

I've been in a lot of physical pain this past week and a half because of the effects of weather and diet on my fibromyalgia (FMS) and psoriatic arthritis (PA). Some days, like last night and today, the pain is so unbearable that I can't think or focus on anything and often find myself in tears. So, I went looking for a passage to remind me of God's love and compassion in times of physical distress.

I found what I needed in Luke 13:10-13. Yes, the passage goes on in verses 14-17 to make a point about compassion for our fellow humans, but these first four verses, the direct interaction between Christ and a crippled woman are the ones that touched me and reminded me of His promise of healing. I may or may not be cured from my conditions in this lifetime, but I can anticipate His hands on me and hearing the words, "Woman, you are set free from your infirmity," because His compassion is so great He WILL relieve me of this pain I endure... it's just a matter of what His timing is for it, I know at the very least, when I walk with Him in Heaven I will have no more sorrow, no more pain... I will be whole, pure, and spotless. If I have to endure this until that time, so be it, but I'm still praying for relief of it sooner. I just need to remind myself it is His timing that matters, not my own.

Hugs & Love


Anonymous said...

Amen. I've always believed for your healing...even when we used to argue about it! I changed the settings on my blog so I think you can post comments now...I had changed it because some looney guy was posting stuff. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Ok..I'm looking for some new material...where is it?

Anonymous said...

Did this loony guy go by the name of Mahmoud Ahmedinejad? The President of Iran has posted in Snoyarc's blod a couple of times.

Snoyarc said...

new material is coming... i've had a lot of pain lately and typing has been rough. sorry :(

no, not the president of iran this time, just an advertisement for something stupid.

Anonymous said...

"V1AgRa! CheEp!"

Anonymous said...

Верно,хорошо. Кладу 5. [url=]Казанцева[/url] [url=]Алсу[/url] [url=]Который использовал разве чтобы желание что нибудь слышал о BB креме?[/url]