Sunday, July 8, 2007

Bible Blog: Genesis 21 - July 6, 2007

Hagar: Part VI (Hagar returns)

Since this started as a Hagar Study, I'm going to concentrate on verses 8-21 which deal with Hagar and Ishmael, but to be honest, I've enjoyed the rest of the story quite a bit also, even if it was just giving background information.

Once again I find myself relating easily to Hagar. She endured cruel treatment for injustices that were thrust upon her. But once again, God sends an angel to Hagar, promising the well being of Ishmael, that he will become a great nation. Despite God's involvement in her life, Hagar still gets her son an Egyptian wife... outside of the beliefs of the God who has protected her and her son in so many ways. Ishmael and Isaac, as well as their descendants, were in conflict, the nation built upon God's promise vs the nation built upon man's attempt to fulfil God's wishes on their timetable.

This is such a hard lesson for me, but we can never be at peace with God if we don't do what He wants when He wants it. Taking matters into our own hands leads to conflict that doesn't necessarily end well unless God is being gracious and allowing that. Just today (Sunday) I experienced this. I felt God saying "this isn't the time for this discussion" yet I was baited into it, and succumbed to temptation and gave a friend an earful as a result. The conversation went poorly, I wasn't emotionally prepared for it, I wasn't in God's will so I didn't have Him on my side, I floundered, my points were not made well, frustration overcame me... but God was merciful enough to allow this conversation to end well enough that this friend and I are still friends, and for that I'll remain grateful. Granted, I won't be sent off into the desert to live in isolation with a child as a result of this conversation, but the point is the same, we need to put HIS desires above our own or there will be conflict, within us and around us. Maybe if I had taken the time to post this on Friday instead of just thinking about it I wouldn't have made the mistake I made today... but making that mistake, no matter how much I wish I hadn't, helped me to learn this lesson... so I'll accept God's forgiveness and strive to live this lesson every day from now on.

Hugs & Love


Anonymous said...

You go, girl! Our pastor was taking today about why when we mess up do we tend to run away from God instead of toward Him....and it sounds like you are doing well in that area. You have said..ok, I messed up...and accepted forgiveness 1 John 1:9 (my fav verse) and are able to say " I learned from this" and move on. Good for you! You're blog seems to be going nicely...I must say. Have you read mine lately? I didn't post today..I'll do it tomorrow morn. Today was super busy. Anyway...take care and talk to you soon. Oh..I put a poem for single people on it!

Snoyarc said...

Hi Jo, thank you for your kind words! I had a half hour of crying out to God tonight, in appology, petition for those who are unsaved, for my children, etc... and when I say crying out, I mean my eyes were streaming the tears were coming so fast and hard.

I did read the poem for single people also, thank you for sharing it. I appreciate it.

Miss you!

Anonymous said...


The conversation you had should still have happened. If my commentaries on it pushed you to do something that you were not ready to do, then I am sorry. If I impart a sense of urgency on the matter at hand, it is because what you are dealing with is something that must be nipped in the bud early on, before it blossoms into something very ugly later on.

I don't think you're a rebel or a fool for not liking how people are treating you and doing something about it.

Anonymous said...

Ok...seriously have GOT to get yourself a new line. I mean, it's really starting to get repetitive, you know?

Besiedes, shouldn't the president of Iran be out doing things like writing checks to Hezbollah and making hate speeches about how the Holocaust was a jew conspiracy to monopolize the world? I mean, if I were Snoyarc, I would be flattered that Mr. Ahmedinejad personally came and posted here.