Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bible Blog: Romans 12:14-21 - July 31, 2007

How to Behave: Part IV

Verses 14 & 15 are so difficult for my human nature to accept. If someone hurts me, I want to hurt them, if someone is mourning and I'm happy, I don't want to be sucked down into a pit of despair with them. Yet we are told to live in peace, return evil for good, rejoice when others are happy and mourn with them in their sorrow. We are to "live in harmony" with each other... how do we do that when someone always wants to pick a fight?

Verses 17 through 21 sum up this answer along with the most basic concept of our Christian faith... Don't take revenge into your own hands... leave it for God. How do we do this practically? Verse 20 says to feed our enemies when they are hungry, give them drink when they are thirsty, in short, treat them as you would your family and friends. Offer shelter when it is needed, clothing or a coat if they are without. Kindness towards a person who doesn't deserve it will make that person think, and hopefully, repent.

This is one of the hardest things to learn, to show God's love to our enemies, to love them despite the wrong they have shown us. I need to think about this some more, find ways to put this into practice in my life.

Hugs & Love

PS I didn't mention verse 16 because it didn't feel as though I was supposed to at this time. I do have thoughts about it and am willing to write up something about it if someone requests it.

Bible Blog: Romans 12:9-13 - July 30, 2007

How to Behave: Part III

Five short verses, part of a larger passage that tells us how to love, yet there is so much in just the first few words that to think on it all at once would be overwhelming. Verse 9a "Love must be sincere." We're not talking about the smile we give, the all too easily spoken words, "I'm praying for you," or even the superficial "call me if you need anything," that we so often hear. We are talking about REAL love, God's love, for our fellow man. The kind of love that pushes men and women into full time missions work, the kind of love that burns inside us longing to give others what Christ has given us... a love filled with compassion and understanding, a legitimate and heartfelt interest in those around us.

Verse 13 tells us that one of the ways to do this is by practicing hospitality. For most people, this is focused on the host or hostess, the preparations, the house, the decor. True hospitality is from the heart, can be offering a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at a messy table with too many children in the midst of a chaotic and toy strewn living room just to keep a person feeling involved, included and loved. The other is about the home and appearances, it is superficial, meaningless, but to give of yourself, to listen, be a friend, a shoulder to cry on, to practice hospitality even on a park bench, giving crackers to the homeless and keeping them company as they eat it, this is true hospitality... and it's what God wants from us!

Hugs & Love

Saturday, July 28, 2007

What a Beautiful Day!

Hi all! Today we had the company picnic in Middle River, MD, and I took a friend from church with me (Mike) to help me with the kids and although it was a long afternoon, we had a blast! The kids ate a lot of food... so did Mike for that matter... I ate more than I expected to, but at least I had the experience of having to beat the food out of the crab shell in order to eat it! It was kinda theraputic to whack the little suckers to break the shells! We had ice cream, hotdogs, hamburgers, brownies, crabs, and of course cold cut sandwiches. There was face painting, tug-of-war, limbo (they didn't let adults play though, only kids... I coulda beat them!), characatures (they ran out of time so I didn't get mine... WAH! I wanted to get one with large shoulder blades... private joke... no need to comment on it), a beach, playground, sand... everything you need to come home with three VERY messy children... so we did exactly that, I put them in the tub and scrubbed, and you'd never know they had so much fun today! The weather was good, the company was good, the kids fairly well behaved, and the traffic did eventually cause us to have a detour to get home faster, but all in all an uneventful drive.

Had such a wonderful time, the weather was great for it, and I wish it could have been with all my loyal readers, fans, and of course friends and family rather than the co-workers, but without that it was still a blast!

Hugs & Love

How Cool is God?

As you know, I'm reading Romans right now and doing the "How to Behave" series. The last post I made (Thursday... and due to the new meds and side effects, not to mention the thunder storm last night I did not do anything... different discussion) was on Romans 12:3-8, I asked you all to consider using the unlikely, painful aspects of your life as a way to please God... I had an opportunity last night to do exactly that!

Because of the pain I am in (although feeling somewhat better today and actually got sleep last night) I went to drop off my prescription at the pharmacy and then took the children to Pizza Hut for dinner while waiting for them to fill the script. I really can't eat pizza, there is nothing at Pizza Hut I can really safely eat because of my gastric bypass, but for whatever reason, when I was trying to decide where to go for dinner, this place kept bursting into my mind as the place to go, so knowing the kids would love it, that's where we went.

When I went to pay the bill I stood next to a woman whom most would overlook. Nothing was flashy about her, she was minding her own business, had a brave smile on her face... but the smile didn't meet her eyes. I asked her if there was anything I could do to help... she told me her story, which I don't feel comfortable posting for the whole world to see so I won't, but many of the trials she is currently facing I have experienced in my own life. Much of the pain she is feeling, I too felt... and I was able to show her my healthy little girl bouncing around the restaurant after successfully enduring the same situation this family is now facing... and it offered her encouragement.

Our trials may seem like burdens at the time we are going through them, but God has a greater purpose for them. I am hoping to be part of leading this family to Christ's love, I was blessed to give this woman a hug (actually several) and know that I was offering her comfort from God, something she desperately needs at this time.

I don't believe this was a chance meeting, I believe it was orchestrated by God as a way to open up this family to the love He has to offer during a time when they are vulnerable and feel the need for the Comforter more than anything else. And it directly ties in with the passage He had me read and the realizations that how I am living is how He wants me to serve Him. How awesome is it that God would offer me affirmation of the legitimacy of an insight in such a real, tangible way in such a short time frame that I was still in the pondering stages and trying to find a practical application of what I feel He was trying to tell me.

I love the Lord so much! This is so awesome! Hope you agree!

Hugs & Love

PS Where are the responses to my posts? I am seeing more of the "light" responses and playful things, but no comments or feedback on the Bible related postings... I do want to know your thoughts, either as confirmation or opposition... I like to know the thoughts of others, it helps me figure out my own!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Prayer Request - July 27, 2007

I'm sure you've all heard me mention in the past two or three weeks that I'm in a lot of pain, well, yes, I still am in a lot of pain. I just got back to work from my appointment with the rheumatologist and she is putting me back on steroids for about 2-3 weeks because we had already tried temporary use of NSAIDS and it hurt my tummy and didn't help the pain. Please pray that this works... I really don't want to stay in this level of pain much longer, it's starting to get me a bit depressed and I want to enjoy my summer and get ready for bike to the bay (I REALLY want to do it this year and biking is good for arthritis!) but can't do any training while in this level of pain without causing more swelling.

Thanks everyone... love you much! HUGS!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bible Blog: Romans 12:3-8 - July 26, 2007

How to Behave: Part II

Do you realize that one of the personality traits everyone has in common is that we all have a sense of self-esteem and it directly impacts our behaviors? As a mom to three small children I can see this so clearly! When my oldest feels inadequate she gets grumpy and mean towards those around her, when my middle child feels over confident she gets bossy and controlling, and when my youngest realizes he can get someone to laugh he plays the part of a clown. They are all behaving according to their perception of their self worth.

In verse 3, Paul warns us about being too prideful or thinking we are better than others, and charges us to "think of yourself with sober judgement." Fortunately, the verses to follow illustrate the worth of everyone within the body of Christ or we could find ourselves tempted to have negative self esteem issues... something which as Christians comes all too easily for us if we read verse 3 alone, so let's continue...

Verses 4&5 point out that our physical bodies have different parts that perform different functions... face it, when was the last time you walked on your eye or typed with your hair? How about lifting with your nose or eating with your knees? Each part has a specific job, a purpose... yes, sometimes those jobs can overlap, but never will you digest food with your brain or hear with your toes! Our bodies are highly specialized, and as a part of the body of Christ, we are each highly specialized, perfectly created to perform the function God wants us to do for Him... how awesome is that?!?!? I doubt I'd be alone in admitting there are times when I say, "If only I could ________, I'd be doing God's will." WAIT! That's NOT right! I should be saying, "As long as I do what God designed me to do I am pleasing Him." As many people who know me are aware, I have a passion for helping under privileged children, the disabled, teenage mothers, and abused women. I want to work with these beautiful people, help them see their worth and help them grow to Be all God wants them to be... but I keep reminding myself that my training is as an engineer and I need to do that work to keep food on the table... that I can't possibly use this desire to help for God's will... WAIT! I AM living my purpose (at least at this point in time) by being an example to the underprivileged, disabled, sing mothers, and abused women of a life that has been turned around through God's grace and mercy. When someone comes to me asking how I can do it all, balance life, keep from going crazy, etc... I give the glory to God and thank Him in front of the person reminding me how He helps me all the time. People can see that I still have physical challenges from my health conditions, that I'm still a single mother to three small children, that I was declared disabled at a young age, and that at the time of my divorce I had no money to take care of the three precious babies God gave me... but then they look to what God has done in my life, I'm an engineer, I make ends meet, I send my children to private school, I'm active in church ministries, and although there are still days of significant illness, they see me singing God's praises through the pain. God has allowed me these trials so I can be an inspiration and a source of encouragement to others facing difficulties of this nature.

That brings us to verses 6-8... but I don't need to list off the traits listed in the Bible. They are valid, but I don't believe that this list, or any other, is an exhaustive list of the gifts and talents God gives us for His purpose. I believe every experience, joyful or sorrowful, is something God can and will use... but only if we let Him!

What unlikely experience might God use from your life? A car accident? Divorce? Rape? Abortion? Jealousy? Temper? Rage? Prejudice? Suicide? All these things on the surface seem negative, and are undoubtedly things you did not enjoy at the time, but growing through them, healing from them, and turning them around to God's glory can make it worth the experience.

I hope you look for God's gifts in your life today. I plan to look for more as I selah on this one!

Hugs & Love

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Hey there,

I will continue to read, to think, to ponder, etc... but I may or may not be able to post for a while. I'm taking my PC in for repair after work tonight and I don't know when I'll get it back... if my guess about the problem is accurate, I'll have it back tonight... a girl can hope right?

Hugs & Love

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bible Blog: Romans 12:1&2 - July 24, 2007

Because today is my parents' 36th wedding anniversary, I set out to read a passage about love and had decided on Romans 12:9-21... but my eyes kept being drawn to the previous page. My Bible is a study Bible and has Romans 12:1 through 16:27 as "How to Behave". I figured I'd read verses 1-8, wrist and comment on them, go on with something else later... God doesn't want that, He wants me to take the "Selah" approach to this and read and digest this portion of scripture... and I believe He wants me to share with you my thoughts, feelings, and questions about it as I go. I'm looking forward to your responses and hoping for good discussion!

How to Behave, Part I

Romans 12:1&2 (GNB)

"So then, my friends, because of God's great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer.

"Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God---what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect."

Living my faith is something I desire to do every day. I want to please Him, worship Him, and serve Him in all my activities, but what exactly does it look like to accomplish this? What can I do so others can see God in me? How can I be certain that I am in God's will?

In verse 1, we're told to give ourselves to God as a living sacrifice (not a dead, chopped up, worthless carcass), and be holy and pleasing to God. Wow... how many times do we face something where we want something... NOW and neglect to put our desires aside and pick up with God's will? Our desires start to drive us and we turn from God's will and plan for our lives. This can manifest itself in something as small as wanting to eat take out rather than cooking and not having money to offer those in need as a result all the way through a Jonah reaction where we know God wants us to behave or perform in one way and we go completely against His will for us in a blatant act of disobedience. But when we turn from our desires that do not agree with God's desires, and do what He wants us to do instead... it is a form of WORSHIP! Wow again! We worship Him through our actions, they are an outward and obvious sign of our love for Him!

When we change our minds, our ways of thinking about things (verse 2), when we allow the Holy Spirit to move in us and educate us to think, feel, act and behave according to God's will, when we are transformed, we will then be in a perfect place to understand God's will for our lives. We will understand His purpose for us and how he wants us to accomplish His plans. But we also need to beware that this isn't simply an outward transformation, that it's real and heartfelt. We can separate ourselves from obvious evils and snares yet remain trapped by the same strongholds of sin, greed, arrogance and pride if we do not allow the Spirit of the Lord to move in us, mold us, and change us into the people God wants us to be.

I am excited about this. I know Romans 12, and all of Romans really, is studied often... but this is a first for me. I'm going to take my time, follow God's leading for the pace of the "How to Behave" series and present it as I have it presented to me... don't worry, the WOB have not been forgotten, they're just on hold right now while God has me looking at other things.

Hugs & Love


Hi, someone mentioned missing me, I'm sorry.

I've had a bad week with pain and it caught up with me. I have been reading my Bible, mostly for encouragement right now, not for learning. I intend to read a passage and pick it apart this evening and hopefully even post on it (assuming the hands cooperate) so you can all see what my brain has been up to.

Hugs & Love,
Thanks for caring!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bible Blog: Luke 13:10-13 - July 19, 2007

I've been in a lot of physical pain this past week and a half because of the effects of weather and diet on my fibromyalgia (FMS) and psoriatic arthritis (PA). Some days, like last night and today, the pain is so unbearable that I can't think or focus on anything and often find myself in tears. So, I went looking for a passage to remind me of God's love and compassion in times of physical distress.

I found what I needed in Luke 13:10-13. Yes, the passage goes on in verses 14-17 to make a point about compassion for our fellow humans, but these first four verses, the direct interaction between Christ and a crippled woman are the ones that touched me and reminded me of His promise of healing. I may or may not be cured from my conditions in this lifetime, but I can anticipate His hands on me and hearing the words, "Woman, you are set free from your infirmity," because His compassion is so great He WILL relieve me of this pain I endure... it's just a matter of what His timing is for it, I know at the very least, when I walk with Him in Heaven I will have no more sorrow, no more pain... I will be whole, pure, and spotless. If I have to endure this until that time, so be it, but I'm still praying for relief of it sooner. I just need to remind myself it is His timing that matters, not my own.

Hugs & Love

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bible Blog: Joshua 2 - July 17, 2007

Tonight I read about Rahab, a prostitute in the land of Jericho. God used this woman, her circumstances, and her home for His people and protected her family in return.

Two quotes from my study Bible that struck me are as follows:

"God works through people - like Rahab - whom we are inclined to reject."

"Rahab didn't allow her past to keep her from the new role God had for her."

The rest of what struck me is personal. It is important for my life and growth and I know it was God speaking to me, only me. In Sunday school this past week we learned that relational people like me need to learn to keep some things to ourselves, including personal, intimate conversations and communication. I'm going to practice that right now by keeping this message from my Father to myself.

Hugs & Love

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Question for the men...

Do you guys have any clue what you're doing sometimes?

Okay, that probably sounds a bit confrontational but I'm being serious here. If you like a girl, tell her you like her, be honest with her about your concerns, talk through things like rational adults, don't simply sit on the sidelines lying about your feelings, thoughts, dreams, hopes, etc... And when you do admit you like someone, realize you have already done the hard part! Admitting the way you feel for a woman must be terrifying, especially if the woman has made no indication to you of how she feels, but any woman worth having will react to you lovingly, no matter what her feelings are... I know I would, and I'd rather know up front what someone's thoughts and concerns are rather than sitting around not knowing or worse, knowing there is an interest but that it's not being acted on because of fear that hasn't been admitted or an insecurity that can be dealt with through conversation or soul searching.

No, not every relationship or attraction will turn into a forever thing, but guys, seriously here, grow up and admit things when you feel them, women are no better at mindreading than men are unless the man is being painfully obvious... and even then there are some things that are not understood (underlying motives more than anything).

No, this isn't directed at any one person, it's not directed at any particular incident or anything else... it's just I'm noticing that guys that I consider to be in my "potential" category are typically geeky, shy, insecure males aged 32-42 who don't want to admit things... you can do it guys... really, you can!

Hugs & Love

Friday, July 13, 2007

Bible Blog: Matthew 17:14-21 - July 13, 2007

Faith as small as a mustard seed

A friend of mine sent this to me today, it's for his men's Bible study and he can't invite me because I don't know the secret handshake, but he sent me the questions and I'm going to answer them as well as anything else that pops into my head.

Did you ever stop to think how small a mustard seed is? Go here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Mustard.png to get an idea... it's very very tiny. So tiny in fact that saying that the disciples didn't have faith that large would have torn them to shreds emotionally, at least, if I were in their shoes I'd feel horrible if my Lord told me my faith was that small!

Here are the discussion questions and my humble opinions based on how I would feel in the same situation:

1. How do you think the disciples felt, in verse 16, that they had been unable to heal the boy?

Based on how the passage is worded, I think they would have felt a bit helpless and sad that they couldn't make this child better, but I think as soon as Jesus rebuked them and told them how much they could do with faith that is as tiny as a mustard seed that they started to feel guilty, insufficient, and as though they were a disappointment to Jesus.

2. What are some of the reasons that the disciples' faith was insufficient to cast out the demon?

Part of it had to be that they were dealing with something unfamiliar to them. When we are uncertain of ourselves and our abilities we often do a lesser job than we are capable of. These men were no different, they were just like you and me, they had average lives, how often have YOU tried to cast out a demon? Could you even identify if a person was inhabited by one? I don't think I could!

3. Are there situations in our lives when our faith is tested and we fall short? Why?

Our faith is tested on nearly a daily basis, trusting God will provide when our paycheck is a bit slim, trusting that His strength can carry us through any situation... the ways we are tested are limitless.... but we fall short because it is not in human nature to trust, it is not in our nature to believe in the unseen, and it's not in our nature to give up control in a difficult situation. We want to fix it ourselves, make it all better, and more often than not, we make it worse.

4. In your estimation, how much faith do you really have and how well do you exercise it?

I want to say I have a lot of faith, I rely on God heavily, every day, every hour. I grumbled on here a few days ago about being lonely and although my longing for a mate is there, God has taken the feeling of hopelessness from me... He provided me with a sense of peace about an ongoing issue in my life, and if that weren't enough, I just have to think back to the fire we had last fall and remember how rapidly He provided our very basic needs and kept me and my children safe. I pray I always live that way, but I know I won't because it's not in my nature.

These questions make you think... a lot... at least, they do if you really want to get something from them! Gotta admit though, these questions would be more interesting as a discussion, I think you can get a lot more out of something when you have someone to discuss it with, well, sometimes you can. That's why I value feedback on here so much, I really do want to know what you think and I want to know if you think I'm off track or something because I don't want to think one thing and find out I'm not even close.

Hugs & Love

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bible Blog: July 12, 2007


Have you ever just grazed in the Bible, reading through a passage here, a passage there, looking to find what it is you need to find at that point in time? Well, that's what I did, and I found what I needed, but the lesson was so incredibly personal that I don't want to share it at this point in time, not sure if I ever will. It was much needed, I learned a lot about myself, and I am glad God brought it to my attention.

Hugs & Love


I'm typing this on my lunch break, so it won't be long (aren't you glad? I know you love how long winded I am!)

Anyway, I am admitting that I didn't read my Bible yesterday. I did pray though. I did the usual dinner with friend(s) on a Wed evening, but because of pain went to my house instead of to prayer with my Bible study so I could take my medications in the safety of my home (instead of needing to drive) one friend joined me and stayed until about midnight, even though I had to have been kinda loopy company. So by the time I locked up I was pretty far out of it and fell asleep quickly.

You know, you COULD actually post just to say hi though if you want to... I wouldn't mind!

Hugs & Love

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bible Blog: Psalm 139 - July 10, 2007

The word 'Selah' is derived from a primitive Hebrew root word meaning "to hang" in the aspect of weighing or measuring something. It is most often seen in the Psalms (although not in Psalm 139) and is thought to be an encouragement to stop or pause, to reflect (weigh) what has been said/sung, to meditate on something and make it personal... I couldn't help thinking of the word 'selah' tonight while reading Psalm 139... so much to digest, so much to understand in these 24 verses... so many things that struck me as important to know and remember...

After feeling a bit down in the dumps about my mistake yesterday (which has been forgiven by God) and knowing that this Psalm has enough of a punch to it to make sure I know how important I am to God in it, I thought I'd boost my spirits by reading it. I'm so glad I did. I've found myself searching for every possible translation, hungry to find any commentary on it, wanting to see which translation uses words that impact me and "wow" me the most. My Bible study group (which we have named Selah because we want to take our time and digest God's word and apply it to our lives) is doing a study by Beth Moore right now, from time to time, she has us do an exercise where you take a verse or passage and re-write it to make it personal... here's my version of Psalm 139... I'll make it a different color so if you want to skip it and go on to my comments after it you can do that (although they make more sense after reading my version of this passage):

Verses 1-5: Oh LORD! How do you know so much about me? You know when I shower, when I sing, when I cry, when I hug a friend, when I curse, when I lose my temper... You know when I show your love to others, when I'm selfish with Your love, when I am greedy, when I am weak, when I am living in Your strength... You know my thoughts, good or bad, You know my gut reactions to situations, You know the anger that boils up inside of me and threatens to burst out of me when faced with injustice... You know that I want to serve You, worship You, praise You in all things and how miserably I fail at giving You want I know You deserve... You know when I do things for others with a pure heart, and You know when I do those same types of things out of obligation or to gain a sense of self-satisfaction... You know when my heart is being honest and when I am being cold and lying to myself and lying to You.

Verse 6: You know me better than I know myself! I don't know how to understand this, yet I know it's true or I would never be convicted of things that I do wrong...

Verses 7-10: I can't go anywhere without you being there. When I surround myself with things that are good, clean, wholesome You are there... When I make mistakes and return to my former way of life, no matter how briefly, You go with me and stay with me. Even if I try to run away from You, You follow me and stay with me!

Verses 11-12: No matter what I do or think might hide my actions from You, You can see it, You know my every move, my every breath, my every thought.

Verses 13-16: You know better than I do the aches and pains I have... You put me together so that I could have those pains, even though I don't know the purpose for them. You know I'm tall, have an odd hair color, a large bone structure, but because You made me, I'm a wonderful creature. You made me... not my mom, not my dad, but YOU! You know everything I am, everything I have done, everything I will do, and no matter what lies before me You will be there with me. Even before You put me together You knew what my life would be and how You would use me for Your purposes!

Verses 17-18: There is so much to learn about You Lord! How can I ever hope to learn everything? Every day I want to learn more, I want to walk with You, be with You, know You are with me and learn more about You.

Verses 19-22: I don't like when people speak badly about You, I want to defend You! I want to make known my love for You to anyone who will listen. I don't want to hate people Lord, but when they hurt You, deny You, and turn from You I want to hate them for how they treat You. I want everyone around me to know You and love You!

Verses 23-24: As scary as this is Lord, I want You to keep track of my thoughts, my heart, my mind. I want You to let me know when I think, feel, or do something wrong. If there is something wrong I want You to convict me of it and help me overcome my wrongdoing so I can follow the path that leads to You. I want You to let me know if I am not being fair to someone who thinks differently than I do, I want You to show me my areas of weakness.

Wow... God knows me better than I know myself! What an odd concept! We usually believe that we are the best person to understand our own hearts, thoughts, minds, feelings... yet often we do need an outsider to point out our flaws to us (in love of course) before we can take them to God for help with whatever that flaw might be. Who better to really know us, our desires and longings, our hopes and dreams, our sins and failures than the One who made us? Verses 23-24 are hard to say, especially when you put your own personal weaknesses into it, but if you really mean it and make it a prayer, you will have the One who knows you better than anyone else to ever live or breathe examining you and pointing out to you your areas of weakness and where you need improvement.

What's the point of all this? It's easy to tell if you have a problem with a bad temper, if you tend to be judgemental, a gossip, etc... but often it's not so easy to identify the more subtle things in your own life, things that are the reasons "why" you behave a certain way, what causes your insecurities, what makes you afraid of commitment, why you crave something and push it away all at the same time... yet these underlying subtleties are known by God, even when you don't know about it yourself... do you realize what it means that the Creator of everything knows us that well? It means He loves us, inside, outside, warts and all. He loves us and wants to hold us in His arms. He considers us heirs and heiresses to the throne, His family, His bride, spotless, blameless, perfect in His sight. It is both awesome and humbling to know that the most powerful being to ever exist loves me that much... hope you feel the same way!

Hugs & Love

Monday, July 9, 2007

Bible Blog: Proverbs 7 - July 9, 2007

Today I'm not picking apart the text, I'm not trying to make sense of anything... today is a confession... one inspired by this passage, but it was my honest reaction to it when I read it, so I am sharing it with you...

I've been tempted by the "adulteress", drawn in by her deceit and bold attempts to turn me from God. I have given in to her temptation more than I want to admit is possible, yet it left me lonely, empty, and guilt ridden... for those who have read my other post today, a peek inside me... yes, that stemmed from this mistake I made, even if I'm not getting into specifics online.

Lord, keep me strong when I face temptation, help me to know in the moment how to fight it so I don't feel destroyed by succumbing to the pressure I feel.

A peek inside me...

Today is just one of those down in the dumps days for me, a misunderstanding with a friend, a mistake that makes me feel horrible, and a longing so great that I cry out to God about it almost every day... below you'll read some of what I cry about, my longing, my questions for God...

I feel so unlovable, who wants a second hand woman, and one who can't bear children anymore at that? Who wants a former slut who abused herself in ways physically, emotionally and sexually that people don't even know about? Who wants a woman who comes with 3 kids and an ex husband? Who wants a woman who has chronic pain, is on medications that are as bad as the condition (if not worse) and has no cure? I don't even want my life some days... why would any man look past those obvious "flaws" to get to know the real me and decide to love me anyway and take on those things as his own issues when he really doesn't have to? How can God put any value on me and promise me the desires of my heart when there aren't any men out there who can really love me and accept me and be that desire I have for a husband, a helper, a man to share the best and worst of times and stick to each other while leaning on God together? Does a man really exist who can love me, warts and all, accept my children and help me raise them, and not worry about anything in my past?

For whatever reason, God has me wired to really long for a husband. I don't feel I NEED one, but I really, really want one. Yet everything I typed above looms over my head every time I dare to hope that someone will love me, that God will bring that special man into my life. The realist in me says that I've lost my chance, the handful of people who have gotten to know me, even just as friends, have told me that they couldn't handle raising someone else's children, or that they couldn't handle my health (or rather seeing the pain when it gets bad)... both things I understand. I feel as though I'm being punished on a daily basis, through loneliness, because of the actions of my ex-husband that led to me being a divorced mom... no fault of my own other than my poor health which he wouldn't allow me to get treatment since it was experimental at the time. I even tried for 3 years to give him a chance to turn around before giving up on him! But because of it, I'm probably going to grow old alone, all the while my heart longs for a husband because that's how God has wired me...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Bible Blog: Genesis 21 - July 6, 2007

Hagar: Part VI (Hagar returns)

Since this started as a Hagar Study, I'm going to concentrate on verses 8-21 which deal with Hagar and Ishmael, but to be honest, I've enjoyed the rest of the story quite a bit also, even if it was just giving background information.

Once again I find myself relating easily to Hagar. She endured cruel treatment for injustices that were thrust upon her. But once again, God sends an angel to Hagar, promising the well being of Ishmael, that he will become a great nation. Despite God's involvement in her life, Hagar still gets her son an Egyptian wife... outside of the beliefs of the God who has protected her and her son in so many ways. Ishmael and Isaac, as well as their descendants, were in conflict, the nation built upon God's promise vs the nation built upon man's attempt to fulfil God's wishes on their timetable.

This is such a hard lesson for me, but we can never be at peace with God if we don't do what He wants when He wants it. Taking matters into our own hands leads to conflict that doesn't necessarily end well unless God is being gracious and allowing that. Just today (Sunday) I experienced this. I felt God saying "this isn't the time for this discussion" yet I was baited into it, and succumbed to temptation and gave a friend an earful as a result. The conversation went poorly, I wasn't emotionally prepared for it, I wasn't in God's will so I didn't have Him on my side, I floundered, my points were not made well, frustration overcame me... but God was merciful enough to allow this conversation to end well enough that this friend and I are still friends, and for that I'll remain grateful. Granted, I won't be sent off into the desert to live in isolation with a child as a result of this conversation, but the point is the same, we need to put HIS desires above our own or there will be conflict, within us and around us. Maybe if I had taken the time to post this on Friday instead of just thinking about it I wouldn't have made the mistake I made today... but making that mistake, no matter how much I wish I hadn't, helped me to learn this lesson... so I'll accept God's forgiveness and strive to live this lesson every day from now on.

Hugs & Love

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Bible Blog: Genesis 20 - July 5, 2007

Hagar: Part V (Honest, she's in the story tomorrow!)

Thankfully, I'm a free child of God and allowed to ask Him any questions I want or I'd be in a lot of trouble right now! The basic run-down of this family is that there is one old man, two little old women who became moms late in life, two little boys who forever will be at war because matters were taken into Sarah's hands, a lot of sore and swollen genitalia because of a covenant made with God, and a multitude of other issues. But when push comes to shove Abraham is afraid to trust in God and His protection and fears death because he thinks Sarah is a little (old) hottie? I do not understand how you can trust God enough to take a blade to a very sensitive region of your anatomy and then not trust Him to keep you and your wife safe. Nor do I understand why a man who loves his wife and think she's a hottie is willing to let that woman out of his sight as the wife of another man for any period of time!

The only thing I do understand about this passage is something that all women need, want and crave from the men they love... Abraham thought his wife, an old woman, was so desirable that he would be killed so other men could have her. Be honest here ladies, we all know that what really counts about ourselves are the creations we become through Christ, that through Him we are beautiful... but every woman wants to be desirable to the man she loves, it's built into us, we want to know that when he looks at us he sees beauty, when he looks at us he wants to find a way to get off work early to spend more time with us, when he looks at us nothing else in the world seems to matter to him. We want to be desirable, we want to be wanted, not needed, we want someone to long for us the way we long for him. Abraham felt so strongly for his wife, that although she was old, past her prime and past realistic child bearing years, that he felt he would be killed so another man could take her, he found her so desirable that he couldn't imagine anyone else not feeling the same way.

I don't think that's necessarily what I was supposed to get from this passage, but that's the part that I understand of it. Would love to hear from you about the rest of it if you'd like to share!

Hugs & Love

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Independence Day

Today, as citizens of the United States of Amarica, we celebrate the freedoms we take for granted all too often. It makes me wonder, have you ever considered what the risk level was to those who signed the Declaration of Independence? Had we not won the warn on tyranny, every man who signed would have been charged with treason and punished accordingly as an example to others. Additionally, these men were not your average farmers and smithies, they were the upper-crust, land owner, weathly, powerful... yet they were willing to put it all on the line for what they believed was right. John Hancock even scrawled his name so large the British wouldn't have much trouble figuring out who he was. These men founded our country in opposition to the work, demanding freedom from opression.

Why, as Christians, don't we learn from this example? No, not all of them were Christians, several were athiests, but they were willing to sacrifice everything for freedom. Living in the United States has given most of us a false sense of security and urgency, an assurance that we can worship as we choose, speak our minds, etc... but this isn't the reality on most of our planet. Friends of mine recently returned from China where they had to hold their tongues on certain topics, live above reproach, and meet with other believers in secret or have a foreign passport to attend a church legally. Followers of Christ in China lay it on the line, willing to give all for Christ every day, and they do it for the love that He has freely given to them. But as a US citizen, can you imagine going to church on Sunday and having someone arrest you for it? This is the reality that faces so many on our planet, yet so many are willing to love God that much anyway, are you? Would you be able to stand strong in your faith under the same circumstances? Can you imagine giving up everything you own to follow Christ?

Today is Independence Day, a day to celebrate our country's freedom... but let's also remember the freedom we have through Christ, His blood, and His resurrection. Let's take a lesson from our founding fathers of our nation and be bold in what we believe, stand firm in the One who has freed us from eternal damnation and slavery and has made us heirs and heiresses to the thrown of God. Here are a few of the Bible's verses about our freedom to think about as we celebrate today:

Psalm 119:32 - "I will go quickly in the way of your teaching, because you have given me a free heart."

Isaiah 61:1 - "The Sovereign LORD has filled me with his Spirit. He has chosen me and sent me To bring good news to the poor, To heal the broken-hearted, To announce release to captives And freedom to those in prison."

John 8:31-32 - "So Jesus said to those who believed in him, "If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples; you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.""

Romans 6:6-7 - "And we know that our old being has been put to death with Christ on his cross, in order that the power of the sinful self might be destroyed, so that we should no longer be the slaves of sin. For when we die, we are set free from the power of sin."

Romans 6:17-18 - "But thanks be to God! For though at one time you were slaves to sin, you have obeyed with all your heart the truths found in the teaching you received. You were set free from sin and became the slaves of righteousness."

2 Corinthians 3:17 - "Now, "the Lord" in this passage is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is present, there is freedom."

Galations 5:1 - "Freedom is what we have---Christ has set us free! Stand, then, as free people, and do not allow yourselves to become slaves again."

Galations 5:13 - "As for you, my friends, you were called to be free. But do not let this freedom become an excuse for letting your physical desires control you. Instead, let love make you serve one another."

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it's a good start for reflecting on our freedom in Christ today.

Hugs & Love

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Bible Blog: Genesis 19 - July 3, 2007

Hagar: Part IV (I looked ahead, she really does return to the story, but not until Part VI)

Sodom & Gomorrah/Lot & his daughters

Remember in chapter 18 Abraham bargained for the lives of 10 righteous men? Well, here we see the depravity of Sodom & Gomorrah. In verses 4-7 the men in the town came to Lot's home and demanded the strangers be turned over as sexual objects... the mentality of "let's rape the new guy" is repulsive in itself, then you add the homosexuality to it and, well, it is a repulsive thought! In verse 8, Lot shows us his best and his worst all wrapped into one act... he offered his daughters in place of the strangers to this mob of perverted men. The good side is that he attempted to protect his guests, the worst is obviously his willingness to give his daughters to be raped instead! While I do understand the importance of keeping house guests safe, I would never consider handing my children over in their place! My thought is that Lot had been living among the evil in that town for so long that although his intentions were good (protect the visitors), he was calloused towards his own negative thought on how to protect these men (offering his daughters). He probably wasn't aware of how the perversion around him had impacted his own life and faith. Because of Abraham's plea to protect the righteous, the angels offer Lot, his wife, his daughters, and their fiance's a means of escape from the destruction to follow. Lot's wife turned back longingly and turned to a pillar of salt, the gentlemen laughed at Lot and remained in the town, and Lot found himself with his two daughters.

Now on to more cheerfulness, Lot didn't find the girls new husbands after the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah, he then left the town of Zoar and lived with his daughters in isolation in a cave. The girls feeling responsible for maintaining the family line (there were no brothers) got their father drunk, and bore him sons. Skipping over all the obvious incest issues involved here, these two parts of Lot's life showed me just how important everyday decisions are. If we live in Sodom and adopt that mentality, will we realize we are doing wrong? When we flee from that life, will we take elements of our past with us to pass on to our children? What will those around us learn from us? Will they see someone who lives for God no matter what those around them do or will they see us as one of the crowd who just happens to be a child of God? We're supposed to stand apart from the crowd, to be different, to be a light to a dark world. How can we do that if we indulge in activities that are blatantly sinful? We are to be above reproach, avoid the appearance of wrongdoing... not just avoid doing wrong, but the appearance of it! How I live, no matter what is around me, will have more impact on others (especially my children) than the words I speak of Christ, His love, and salvation... if I don't live it, it means nothing. Take a look at Lot, he tried, but when push came to shove, the lesson his life and actions taught his daughters was to take matters into their own hands and do whatever was "necessary" to get the job done... I don't want my children to learn that lesson, I want them to walk with Christ.

Hugs & Love

Monday, July 2, 2007

Bible Blog: Genesis 18 - July 2, 2007

Hagar: Part III (But once again, no mention of Hagar, sorry!)

This chapter was broken into two distinct ideas, hospitality, and prayer. I'll go with the one I understood better first, hospitality, verses 1-15.

Just imagine, it's the hottest part of the day, you're resting in the relative coolness of your tent when you see three strangers approaching. Now days we'd think "do they look like they're going to cause trouble?" or "should I go inside and lock the door?" or even just sit and stare at them and watch to see what they do next. Abraham however, rushed to them, bowed to them, and asked their permission to get water for their feet to be washed and to prepare a meal for them to be refreshed and nourished. He had his wife bake a LOT of bread... using the good flour (think using the good china here, same idea, meant to impress), had a servant prepare the finest calf and provided curds and milk (probably what we think of as cottage cheese). This is, by the standards of the time, a superb meal! I don't know about you, but I take the attitude of "if I have if, you're welcome to it", but rarely, if ever, do I go out of my way to make the best thing I have for a guest I'm not expecting, let alone a stranger. But if I know I'm having company, I will go out, buy the best of anything I can afford, prepare the grandest meal I can muster, and try to give my company a wonderful experience... that's what Abraham did for these strangers, only difference, they showed up unannounced, are not close friends, they are foreign to him, yet he treats them with the hospitality that we usually reserve for a special few in our lives.

Yesterday, I discovered my kids have a grasp on this concept already, they invited a friend of mine from church to join us for lunch. I knew I didn't have anything at home, we would have to buy something, he offered to pick it up for us. It was a spontaneous, eager, genuine act of hospitality on my kids' behalf, they wanted to enjoy time with another person, let that person enjoy something different, welcome that person with open arms into their lives and home, make them feel welcome and accepted! We had an enjoyable meal followed with about an hour of rough and tumble time (which my friend graciously used as a reason for me not getting as much housework done as I should by saying "I now see why you are too tired to get things done") . After our guest left, we rested, among the mess that we added to during play time (too many toys in this little place) and were content in it, because our hospitality, although nothing special, was sincere and enjoyable... you might not ever think to go slaughter a fatted calf, to order a fancy meal, or anything else, but just allowing someone to be welcomed is something that is pleasing to God, our hospitality towards others might just give that person the boost they need to get over something difficult in their life, or confirm for them that someone cares. Either way, it makes God happy and that should make us happy!

The second theme, prayer, I have more issue with, it's in verses 16-33. God gave Abraham the opportunity to plead for Sodom, it almost sounded like a negotiation the way it was handled, but Abraham wasn't really changing God's mind, so why is it that God let Abraham feel as though he were doing that? Was it to put emphasis on God's mercy? Was it so Abraham would know that God answers prayer? Could it possibly have been both? The only conclusion I came up with is that it is both, but that could be misleading also, because God doesn't promise that every time we ask for something we will get it, sometimes as a parent, He has to say no for our own good (and it's annoying understanding that from the perspective of a parent now). And what if we get so consumed by what it is we desire that we don't see the real answer that God is giving us because we are trying to impose our will on Him? I really don't know what to take away from this passage. Please, feel free to think about this one and give me answers!

Hugs & Love!