Saturday, September 15, 2007


Just wanted to let you all know that I'm not going to attempt to blog what I am reading for the next several days to a week because I'm not feeling well. I spent the better part of yesterday in the emergency room because my doctor's office staff is grossly incompetant and wouldn't get me in to be seen so I could save the trip to the ER.

I have some long drawn out word for a non-communicable throat and neck infection that is possibly being caused from being run down and having had mono in the past (once you have mono it never leaves your system... the only times it re-asserts itself is in immuno-suppressed individuals... go figure). Anyway, my throat and neck are swollen, they have me taking prednisone and benedryl to reduce swelling and congestion, etc... both of those make me sleepy, the rain is making my joints and muscles sore, and the regular meds make me a little groggy, so I expect to be zonked on the sofa for most of the weekend and early next week (although I will go to work and church, etc... just not planning to do anything "extra" for a while).

Hope you are all well, please pray for a speedy recovery and the ability to take care of the kids when they return. When this started they called their father for help because I had fallen and was not responding to them. I'm proud of them for calling someone for help, but feel so badly that they were (and possibly still are) worried about mommy dying. I couldn't respond that first evening, but I heard them saying, "Mommy, we're too young for you to die!" My heart near broke. So please pray for them to feel Christ's comfort right now. To be at peace and know that mommy is alright (I plan to call them and talk with them today at some point so they will get to hear my voice).

I'm rambling, happens when I don't' feel well, sorry!

Hugs & Love


David said...

You'll be prayed for.

Snoyarc said...

Thank you,

The doctor told me he's pretty sure it's full blown mono now. He was upset that the ER docs told me it was okay to go to church and be around people on Sunday also. I've been hoping that if I did pass this to someone that they would forgive me, I was told I wasn't contagious!

Anyway, I'm off to sleepyville now, meds are finally kicking in.

Hugs & Love... thanks for the prayers!

David Hynes said...

Well, I hope you and the Doc give those chumps in the ER what-for!


You should have my Mother's Mother advocate for you. She's a nurse, and she's a holy terror to hospital staff, because she knows how patients are supposed to be treated...funny stuff.

David Hynes said...

Not you having mono, I mean. That really sucks.

Snoyarc said...

Thanks hun,

I'm bored to tears, yet sitting at the computer wears me out. I'm going to the doctor again this afternoon (4pm) and hopefully will have some news about where we go from here. I know I'm getting my kids back for the weekend, but might need help taking care of them because I'm still very weak... not sure what to expect yet though, waiting until after my appointment this evening. I seem to keep sleeping, a lot.

Off now to take another nap before my next doc appt!

Hugs & Love

David said...

For some reason, I imagine you in one of those neck braces. It's kinda funny.

Snoyarc said...

Nope, not in a neck brace, just in a cuddly sweater surrounded by pillows and blankets and comfiness.

Hugs & Love