Saturday, September 22, 2007

My Babies are Home!

If you aren't aware, I've been so sick that the doctor ordered my children away for the past week, they came home last night. I've missed them so much! I'm still quite weak, and struggling to keep up with them, but it is so good to hear their chattering voices, feel their (not so) gentle hugs, and of course cuddling up on the sofa with them while watching a movie or something because I don't have the strength to go to the playground with them (although today is beautiful!)

They are already asking if I'm taking them to church in the morning, and I am hoping and praying that I can! Then in 2 weeks we're doing the hayride with Kairos, and Karl has told me that it's okay to bring them along as long as I don't mind them throwing hay around... what fun is a hayride if we don't include children in a hay war though right? Hope to see you all there!

As for my health, I AM feeling better overall, but like I said, still quite weak. If I'm able to get to church I'm not sure if I'll be singing or if I'll be sitting it out. I'm living moment by moment, and hoping for good news on Monday when I see the doctor again. Please keep in touch!

Hugs & Love


David said...

Is the weakness due to the illness or the medication?

Snoyarc said...

Illness... so is the fatigue...

I told Alyssa (7½) that I was weak and she said, "Then you are the strongest, cuz God makes the weak strong!" Someone's been paying attention in Bible class.

Hugs & Love