Sunday, January 20, 2008

Not Dead...Yet

Sorry for the delays in posting, most of you were following along with my health status outside of my blog, so I didn't bother posting updates here. I'm finally doing MUCH better!

During my not so willing hiatus from work, I did manage to get out a few resumes and find a new job... and it's the one I wanted! I actually had 2 offers, the first one came, and it didn't "feel" right, they were pushing for an answer, I didn't feel sure of it, and there was as much stress about the possibility of taking that position as there was at the one I had left, ultimately, the company withdrew the offer. About a week later I was called in for an interview for the job I now have which is making about 8k more a year than I was at KCI and 5K more than I would have at the other job offered. I'm still doing plan review work, but I'm in the field now also, I'm going to be sent for training next month so I can do official construction inspections if the need arises rather than just tagging along with a co-worker (although getting stuck in the mud is more "fun" when someone is there to pull you out!) and I'm already given more respect on this job than I had in 2 years at KCI. They are helping me learn because it will help me do my job more effectively and in turn help lessen the burdens of co-workers. From day one they started taking me to meetings and introducing me to local engineers and getting me into the public eye as the new engineer. It is wonderful! The stress is limited to the normal work related stressors rather than personal ones, and the hours and benefits are phenomenal.

That said, when I went back to KCI to clean out my cubical, within 2 minutes of talking with my old boss she had my stress level so high I was ready to scream out "this is why I quit!" What's worse, someone took my calculator and they were treating ME like I was some type of criminal... can you believe it?

Anyway, I've been in meetings with former co-workers for KCI already and they went relatively well, considering that they never made eye contact with me.

I just wanted to let you all know that I am alive, what I've been up to, and that I am about 90% better health wise. I still have flare ups, I still have 3 children to care for, and I still love Jesus... so everything will be fine. I'm back into my Bible study group, oh how I missed those ladies! I am so happy to once again be learning about God with them and discussing Him with them, I missed it so much while preparing for Christmas!

I'm hoping to get back into a good pattern here where I can start blogging my Bible journey as well as anything else I feel relevant. I want to figure out how to long for heaven while at the same time living an abundant life... any thoughts?

Hugs & Love to all, I've missed you!


David said...

Glad to see you've dusted off your blog. Does this mean that you're feeling better?

You old boss has them well trained so that they can't even look people in the eye anymore? Wow.

Snoyarc said...

Well, I'm in another flare up, but overall, yes, feeling better.

I think my dad has the KCI situation pegged... they're afraid because I'm now an "authority" figure to them. He also thinks they'll cooperate with signing for licensing when the time comes because I am in that "authority" role... we'll see what happens, I have 2 more years to go for that one.

Hugs & Love

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