Monday, October 1, 2007


It's October.

I feel like September was a huge waste of time. I don't want October to be a waste.

I've decided that I will force myself to write a Bible Blog entry every day even if it takes several hours because I keep falling asleep. I have all the time to do this and nothing else to do except when my children are home on the weekends, so why wouldn't I read AND write about God? Yes, I've been reading my Bible and praying, but it's often interrupted by 2-3 hour long naps. I'm really looking forward to this being done!

I'm going to continue with a project I started 2 weeks ago, I'm going to keep looking up passages of scripture that are associated with songs we sing in church or choir or that I have sung in camp as a kid, etc... It's encouraging to realize I really do know more about the content of the Bible than my memory can recall by just mentioning a passage.

I'm going to set small daily goals for attacking my laundry issue. I still have tons of laundry in bags from the fire we had last year this time. It's still in bags because most of it had been sorted by size and time of year, etc... and was about to be donated then all got mixed up. I have the time to sort it, it's not an overly strenuous task, I should really get to it since I'm home anyway.

I'm going to try to rebuild my strength. I am so physically weak that just walking to the car wears me out. But I want to start dancing again, I miss it a lot! I want to have the energy to go an a hike with the kids, or to play at the playground with them. I want to be able to drive myself to church without feeling like I'm going to fall over by the time I get there!

I'm going to sort through all the toys, also all mixed up because of the fire, and get rid of the things that are no longer age appropriate by donating the good-quality toys to the church (or the Charity George garage sale if it happens) and trashing the rest.

I think that's a pretty ambitious to-do list, don't you? I guess we'll see how October goes soon enough. I hope I am not setting myself up for failure with that list, I know how tired I am still!

Hugs & Love


David Hynes said...

I took the time to put my house in order today. It took up precious time, but not having loads of crap piled everywhere...well, OK, there still kind of is, but it's organized crap, and that's nice.

Snoyarc said...

Hey, I'm a mom of three, organized chaos is my goal in life!!!! Without it I'd be just in chaos, and that does NOT feel good to me.

Hugs & Love