Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Just a Tuesday afternoon...

What do you get when you put two friends, both female, in a room when one is awaiting a diagnosis that could possibly be cancer?

A. Somber discussion about medical treatments.
B. Prayer session begging God that this isn't going to be cancer.
C. Bible page flipping looking up passages of hope.
D. All the above.

If you answered D, you'd be partially correct... but mostly wrong. Here are some more options to choose from:

E. Abundant laughter.
F. An awesome chuckle inspiring card.
G. Commentary on God's sense of humor.
H. All the above.

H is correct, but still doesn't tell the whole story.

My friend Nancy came over to offer me some support this afternoon because she knows I'm seeing the hematologist tomorrow and she has been through the testing and waiting process in the past and knows how stressful it can be. She showed up with an awesome card, imagine the silly glasses and funny nose attached in card form, I plan to wear this to my doctor appointment tomorrow or at least to dinner if my friends are still taking me. Things became progressively sillier as the afternoon went on.

What I really want to share with you is what had us in stitches and I'm convinced that God was laughing right along with us. Both Nancy and I needed to use the bathroom, fortunately I have two so we parted company. I flushed the toilet, no problem, went to turn on the water and nothing came out. I respond with, "Oh crap, this isn't happening, not now!" to which Nancy comes running thinking her using the water in another room was causing me a problem... soap covering her hands and a concerned look on her face and I realize that she didn't know yet. They had just shut off the water to the building while we were using the toilets. Sure enough we checked every sink, no water to be found anywhere. By now our giggles are filling the whole building as we try to figure out how to get our hands clean. We manage to dry off the soap and find the waterless sanitizer and continue having a good laugh and a discussion about how God made a man pee his pants in the Bible... yeah I'm planning to look that up and it will most likely be a Bible Blog entry.

We decided it was a great time to take pictures, and silly us, we put more soap on our now sanitized hands, held the card in front of our faces (we took turns) and snapped the pictures. We then proceeded to the sink to rinse off the soap... we had forgotten something very important, no water... duh! So another round of giggling and silliness and of course hand cleaning without water (have I mentioned diaper wipes are wonderful things recently?) We then prayed, holding sticky hands, laughing hysterically for God to bring healing and to keep the laughter abundant. And we both felt God's presence, we knew He was laughing right along with us, that He was enjoying that moment with us, the complete silliness and you know what? He loved that we included Him in it! He wants everything from us, not just good, not just bad, He even wants our silly outbursts... isn't that wonderful?

Well, after a round of try to figure out what is wrong with the cell phone (hers, not mine) and finally giving up, she went out the door. I had turned the water faucet in the kitchen on so I would hear when the water started again. Around the time she got to her car, the water started up again. I called her and told her and we continued laughing. God really does have a sense of humor, and this confirms it. He wants us to laugh.

So laugh with me people! If I can get the pictures onto my computer, and get permission from Nancy, I'll post them, otherwise, use your imagination, it's probably just as good.

Hugs & Love


Anonymous said...

I love those kinds of times! I have had friends in the car and been laughing so hard I had to pull off the road...and we could feel God's presence very heavily the whole time. I don't share that with many people because the "holy laughter" thing got a really bad rap. I don't know if what I experienced could be labeled as such but I know it was real...and I know God was there. Very cool!

Snoyarc said...

Oh I absolutely loved it. You would have too! I wish you had been here, you'd have been hysterical with us. It is so cool to know God has a sense of humor and is right there with you laughing at the silliness that comes your way isn't it?

Hugs & Love