Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I cut up a hot pepper a few minutes ago...

I didn't get all the oils from the pepper off my hands...

I blew my nose and apparently, touched my nose in the process...

My nose is now painfully stinging and in some places numb...

I didn't care for the pepper either...

I don't want to ever experience this again!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That sounds painful. You are too funny for posting about it.
How are you doing otherwise?

David said...

Milk shuts down the chemical in the pepper that causes your pain receptors to go maybe the solution is blowing milk through your nose?

Anonymous said...

I did that once when I was a kid. I don't recomment it..unless you're burning from peppers. Oh were. LOL

Snoyarc said...

David, actually milk just coats it for a while and then when the milk wears off the oil is left behind... not pretty. Lemon juice however, cuts the oil removing it so it can't attack again later.

Yeah I did the milk after as a kid once too... made my tummy hurt really bad... but hey, life goes on right?

Hugs & Love

David said...

So you're suggesting you blow lemon juice through your nose instead? You are becoming a bit of a masochist. First, the peppers. Now, citric acid. When does the madness stop, Rachel?

Snoyarc said...

hehe... actually I put the lemon juice on a q-tip and swabbed... quite effective too might I add, and much more pleasant than forcing milk through my nose.

Hugs & Love