Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bible Blog: Romans 15:5-6 - August 30, 2007

How to Behave: Part XI

Romans 15:5-6

God wants the combination of his steady, constant calling and warm, personal counsel in Scripture to come to characterize us, keeping us alert for whatever he will do next. May our dependably steady and warmly personal God develop maturity in you so that you get along with each other as well as Jesus gets along with us all. Then we'll be a choir—not our voices only, but our very lives singing in harmony in a stunning anthem to the God and Father of our Master Jesus!

I don’t tend to read The Message version of the Bible alone, nor do I tend to use it when quoting scripture, but today, I really liked how these verses are worded, please feel free to go to if you want to find a different version to read.

The reason I like this version today is that a relationship with God is put into human terms. He is warm and personal… how often do we forget that God wants us to know Him as well as we know our parents, siblings, spouses, children and friends? But he calls us to himself, reminding us that He wants that same closeness, that same relationship with Him. Just as our relationships with our friends and families gradually mold our personalities, He wants our relationship with Him to mold us so that His character is seen through us. He is dependable, He is always there, and He is personally invested in our lives, even when those around us seem to push us aside for their own agenda, He is right there, 24/7 and He wants us to grow a closer and more personal relationship with Him that will allow us to better be examples of Jesus and able to shine His light through this world.

Paul goes on to say that when we achieve this we will praise Him in one voice… but this version is so beautiful and calls to the musician in me… “Then we’ll be a choir – not our voices only, but our very lives singing in harmony in a stunning anthem to the God and Father of our Master Jesus!” When I think about all of God’s children as a choir, I think of a HUGE choral production with so many talented voices that each part is clearly heard and resounding so clearly through the air that no one needs amplification, and I imagine an audience of One, smiling, clapping, and thanking us for the worship filled sounds we are singing to Him… but this says it’s not just our voices, but our very lives that will praise Him. Every word, every action, our interactions with each other, how we show love to each other every day… when we are in fellowship with God, our lives will reflect it, our hearts won’t be able to help passing the love He gives us on to others around us, and we will live harmoniously with those around us, even when it doesn’t seem like it should be possible.

Sounds a bit like a utopia doesn’t it? Yet it is promised to us, right after being told that hope is ours through Christ. Wow, I get to hope for a utopia! Is there any doubt that God loves us if He wants this for each of us?

Hugs & Love

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