Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I've been allowing myself to be too busy to read my Bible.

I've allowed myself to become too self-confident to feel a need to pray.

And I've allowed myself to grow distant from the One I need most and it has impacted me in every area of my life these past 2-3 weeks.

This blog, feeling the need to do it, devote time to it, etc... is a wonderful tool for keeping me in touch with God, because unless I feel HE is behind what I'm writing about the Bible, it doesn't get written, it forces me to be in communication with HIM and I need HIM so desperately.

I'm sorry if I let you down. I'm going to try to get back to it and jump back into "how to behave" when I get back from practice tonight.

Hugs & Love


David Hynes said...

Heya, seems like you've been busy. Don't let that get you donw though, you'll be back in the swing of things now that you've noticed your absence.

I imagine if I had a pepper snorting habit, I'd forget things, too. Who knows what it does to your brain?

Keep your nose clean, kid. For your own good. Or we may have to do an intervention!

Snoyarc said...

I don't have pepper snorting habit... that was a topical reaction, now if I intentionally infused my body lotion with pepper oil then I'd be concerned!!!

Yes, I've been busy, but that means I need God more, not less. The more I have going on, the more I need Him to keep me focused... I'm trying to get back there. I just posted again tonight, realized it's been 13 days, it feels like it was forever... but God welcomed me back with open arms and a celebration for me coming back... I know I didn't go out and squander my inheritance, but I still feel like the prodigal son!

Hugs & Love

Anonymous said...

Guilt is not a tool of God. Don't buy into it. A righteous man falls 7 times BUT gets back up again. That's the difference.
Love ya, girl!

Snoyarc said...

Nope, I don't feel guilty, God forgave me for goofing up, welcomed me home, and we're cool now. Guilty was me admitting that I goofed up, that I made a mistake, that I'm accepting and owning up to is so I can do what I know to be right. You can't correct a behavior if you don't admit it is there!

Hugs & Love

Anonymous said...

Y'know? I've been feeling the same guilty lately. Unfortunately, I'd let myself get too weak spiritually to fight it off. I've been letting eat at me little by little. Thanks for the "wake-up" e-mail tthis morning, Rae.