Thursday, August 2, 2007


The one night (tonight) I didn't write out my notes before typing in an attempt to save time and things go haywire and I lose what I wrote. I'm exhausted now, and not up to writing it out again, but I will attempt to remember what I wanted to say and write it out and post it tomorrow if I get a chance.

Hugs & Love


David said...

Rachel, just a suggestion for your Bible blogs: Try to include a short summarry of the section you are studying, like I do in my blog. Not everyone has a Bible with them at all times, the times I can comment on your blog, I do not have a Bible handy to examine what the passage says.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. You know you read your Bible and that's the point of the blog. So...relax. We'll be patient. Now, go read my blog! LOL

David said...

I don't really take it for granted that people read my blog, I really don't expect anyone to.

David said...

Not that you are, Joanne ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm not even gonna lie. Yes, I do expect it!
I gotsta have me some comments.
A friend of mine once said, " I could pull myself up onto the cross, and nail my own feet in, and probably nail one hand in, but I would need someone else to nail the other one." We need each other to crucify our flesh daily. blog's main purpose is to make sure I'm in the Word. If I know no one reads flesh might be tempted to just skip it for a while.

David said...

Heh, your friend is weak...I'd have a powerful electromagnet behind the right post of the cross, so that after I'd nailed my feet and left wrist in, I could flip a switch with my head that would turn the electro magnet on and pull the nail though my other wrist.

I wonder how sharp those nails were...

Snoyarc said...

okay, I'm going to ignore David's odd personality right now and go to Joanne... I do know what you mean, it's why I started this also, I need the feedback to know I'm on the right track or to give me another viewpoint to consider, etc... I want you to be assured I read EVERYTHING you write. If I don't respond to it, the reason is usually a technical problem, I have some major issues both at work and at home sometimes with my connection working... joy joy.

Besides, why else would I write this stuff and make it public if I didn't want someone to read it? And why would I allow the ability to respond if I didn't want the feedback?

Love you both, but David, you are an odd duck for that electromagnet bit... I don't know about either of you, but I couldn't even hammer my feet in by myself... and no, I don't want a magnet pulling a nail through me!

Anonymous said...

That was just testosterone talking! Electromagnet...sheesh.