Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Copy Cat Post

I'm taking David's question and making it my own... who out there is reading my posts but not replying to them? I'm curious. I know I have David and Joanne, they aren't afraid to tell me anything about how they feel or think... but I don't really hear too much from anyone else. So, if you read this, let me know, I'd love to know you're there and what you think!

Hugs & Love


Snoyarc said...

wow... look how loved I am...

David said...

Very much so!

I only got one hit...Jenn Vare (which was delightfully unexpected). Lurkers, by their very nature, don't post, even if you call them out. It's the nature of the beast.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading and I DO love you very much, Rachel


Snoyarc said...

Yeah, I know lurkers don't post... but I figured I'd have one, maybe two people admit to liking me! As for your blog, you should link to mine, see how many from BVBC end up looking at mine as a result... either that or they'll shun you for talking with me... hmmm....

Spread the wealth dude, I want more readers!

Thanks to whomever posted on God's behalf, it was a good reminder that He's the only audience that matters!

Hugs & Love

Anonymous said...

Your phrase is matchless... :)

Anonymous said...

Bravo, this brilliant idea is necessary just by the way