Monday, August 6, 2007

Bible Blog: Romans 13:8-10 - August 6, 2007

How to Behave: Part VI

Romans 13:8-10 (BBE)

"8. Be in debt for nothing, but to have love for one another: for he who has love for his neighbour has kept all the law. 9. And this, Do not be untrue in married life, Do not put to death, Do not take what is another's, Do not have desire for what is another's, and if there is any other order, it is covered by this word, Have love for your neighbour as for yourself. 10. Love does no wrong to his neighbour, so love makes the law complete."

Loving each other is a debt we owe? Did you know this? The only debt we're to have is to love each other. But why would love be called a debt? I know we owe God more love than we're capable of giving because of the love He has given to us through Christ and His death, perhaps this debt of loving others is a way to act out our repayment of this love we owe to God. I have to admit, I do enjoy loving other people when I know them, but I'm not so good at knowing how to love people I don't know. So what does this type of love we're suppose to show to those around us look like?

The description in the Bible is the typical "good Christian values" scenario. Helping to meet the basic needs of others, food, clothing, shelter... they're all practical things necessary for life and ways to love others in tangible and practical ways. Add to it trying to safeguard others from pain and suffering, marital issues of any nature, and of course offering comfort to someone in distress are other practical ways to show love. When we know someone, we can extend this love to endless limits, meals for a family in a state of hardship of some variety, a comforting embrace for someone who needs to feel loved, is in pain, or even holding the hand of someone who is scared for a first performance or leaving home for the first time.

God has given each of us unique ways to love those around us just as He's giving us each unique talents. I can only imagine what things would be like if everyone took the time to love the people who live on their block, who work in their offices, or even the person who just started coming to church and is feeling like an outsider, cant' you?

Hugs & Love


Anonymous said...

I agree with what you are saying here..but also God has been showing me that where we start is right in our own homes. To my shame, I don't always extend the kindness I show to strangers to my own family. My kids and husband can push buttons on me that other people aren't aware of because I don't live with them. I have to make my mission field at home before I can expect to branch out. Love means disciplining my kids sometimes...but not in anger. Love means praying for patience when you are feeling irritated. I haven't cornered the market on these yet. Thanks for sharing your blog.

David said...

Reaching out is very important, but I think that being the kind of person who reaches out to people outside of the circle they know and yet neglects those within it is the kind of person Jesus was catutioning people not to be...hence the song I wrote (which has actually changed since then)

The way of the Pharisee is to clean the outside of the dish and not the inside...

I know what you are saying, we can't become insular. I think it is possible to work outside of the people we know, as long as we do not neglect issues we may have with them.

Snoyarc said...

Wow, you guys are great!

See, I never thought of this from those viewpoints! I have to admit, my kids can REALLY drive me batty, but then I realize I do go out of my way to apologise to my children when I wrong them too...

For me, taking care of those "inside the bowl" has always been a lot easier than taking care of those outside. I have no problem telling a trusted friend when I think s/he is doing something wrong in love, yet if I see a person needing food on the street I have problems wanting to approach them. Not because I don't care, but because I lived in Philly for 5 years and am a bit gun shy!

I love to love people, I love to open my home and care for people, but I can honestly say I don't do it for those I don't know, only for those I do... I never stopped to think that other people might have the opposite reality (shows how narrow minded I was being at that time!)

Thank you guys, I appreciate this!

Hugs & Love

David said...

Make no mistake about it, I need to do some cleaning outside the dish, too...I don't do outreach and ministry very often.

Snoyarc said...

well, outreach and ministry are not everyone's gifts... you need to work the gifts God gives you, not try to force those He hasn't. Face it, I can get in front of the congregation week after week after week, singing, acting, whatever... but you ask me to talk, one on one, with someone about my faith and I can't figure out how to explain what it is I believe... I'm not ashamed of it, I just can't figure out how to have that ready answer for some reason.

Work what He gives you... you'll be happy you did!

Hugs & Love