Wednesday, June 27, 2007


WOB stands for is "Women Of the Bible". I had started a journey (before the idea of blogging my thoughts as a means of accountability) through some of the different women in the Bible using the 'Character Profiles' in my Bible for the women as a guide. I've always loved learning about different cultures and history, so for me, making a decision to see how women in Biblical times lived their lives, learned about God, and everything else, seemed to be a good way for me to start reading the WORD. So, I'm providing you with the WOB list I have. The * denotes women I have already studied, but that doesn't mean I won't revisit them to blog about them for you... what I can tell you so far... God wants women to wait... a lot. There is nothing more annoying to me than waiting, but the underlying theme for Rachel, Sarah, and Elizabeth was WAIT FOR IT and God will provide. It's getting late and I'm going to try to read about one of these lovely ladies tonight... wonder if the theme will be wait again?

Hugs & Love!

Women of the Bible

Abigail – 1 Samuel 25 – 2 Samuel 2

Deborah – Judges 4 & 5

Delilah – Judges 16

* Elizabeth – Luke 1:5 – 80

Esther – Esther (go figure)

* Eve – Genesis 2:19 – 4:26

Hagar – Genesis 16 – 21

Jezebel – I Kings 16:31 – 2 Kings 9:37

Martha – Luke 10:38-2; John 11:17-45

Mary (Mother of Jesus) – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John… all the birth of Christ stories.

Mary (Sister of Lazarus) – Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; Luke 10:38-42; John 11:17-45

Mary Magdalene – Matthew 27 & 28; Mark 15 & 16; Luke 23 & 24; John 19 & 20

Miriam – Exodus 2; 15; & Numbers 12; 20

* Rachel – Genesis 29 – Genesis 35:20

Rahab – Joshua 2; 6:22 - 23

Rebekah – Genesis 24 - 49

Ruth & Naomi – Ruth (again with the obvious)

* Sarah – Genesis 11 - 25


Anonymous said...

What about Babylon the Great (Revelation)? And all the women, like the Syrophoenecian woman or the woman at the well that Jesus talked to?

Or are we talking about women with serious character development?

Snoyarc said...

For now, we're talking about women who have had serious character development to the point where they are easily referenced. These women all have a "Character Profile" within my Bible (there are men too, I'm starting with the women though) and that serves as a good study aid for me along with the notes and commentary. I'm having enough trouble with this list... maybe someday I'll add to it though. :D