Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bible Blog: Genesis 16 - June 28,2007

Hagar: Part I

The story of Hagar takes place over the course of 6 chapters. I'm reading one at a time with the intent of digging deeper into each.

My first questions are legitimately questions, not questions I asked and answered. Hagar was an Egyptian servant, yet God spoke directly to her. Without getting into the whole "everyone is blood related through Adam & Eve or Noah" arguments... God's chosen people were the Jews, Egyptians were not typically thought of as being in God's favor. So, my questions are for anyone with more information on Jewish culture and history than I have available... What is Hagar's significance? She's not Jewish, she's Egyptian; she's not a "wife", she's a servant (and basically slave/prostitute in this situation). What possible reason would God have to go to her through an angel and encourage her to return to slavery and sorrow? I'm speaking only historically and culturally here, but would really like answers!

Obviously, the spiritual significance and symbolism of Hagar being looked after by God is that He loves us all, no matter our heritage, height, weight, political stance, or any other "important" traits that people use to judge us.

I can relate all too well to Hagar. Many of the circumstances of my life are outside my control... I'm divorced because my husband was unfaithful, my son was conceived against my wishes, God allows me to endure chronic pain in the forms of Fibromyalgia and Psoriatic Arthritis as well as the equally difficult treatments... yet I know God is working in me and using me. Just tonight, Alyssa asked me how it's possible to be good when everyone around you is being bad. Such a hard lesson for a 7 year old! But God allowed me to remind her of Daniel, of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, of their faithfulness in difficulty, and we prayed together. If that's not God using me to help shape His kingdom I don't know what is! The point I'm trying to make, although I'm rambling about it, is that God uses the hardships and difficulties that He allows us to face for His glory.

The other aspect I relate to so well is Hagar's desire to run away. Just this past Tuesday I wanted to give up, stop fighting, stop trying. God had something else in mind. At the church's business meeting about Phase III we opened up with a time of confession and prayer. You can't clear the air with the most powerful being to ever exist and say okay, but I'm still running... it doesn't work that way. That's why this blog came into existence... God let me know exactly why I was running, what I was running from, and the reasons I felt inept were 100% related to not giving Him the time He deserves in prayer and studying His word. This is only day 2 and the change is dramatic already!

I know this ending is abrupt... but I only read chapter 16. Tune in next time for Hagar: Part II aka Genesis 17.

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