Wednesday, June 27, 2007

An idea!

An idea has formed in my warped little skull... I can use this as a place to keep notes on what I'm learning about God! So, if you see a title that has a Bible passage, that will tell you what passage I had read that day and what my musings were at the time... not necessarily a good thing, but I'm trying to learn more and this is a way to keep me accountable... after all, if I miss a day someone can say "Hey, Sno, where's your Bible Blog from today?" BUSTED!

Hugs & Love!


Anonymous said...

Ah, good, you fixed it. I look forward to making all kinds of outrageous posts on your blog, jsut like I do to Paula and Steve.


p.s. the next thing you need to do is take away that stupid "word verification" thing I have to type in to get my post in.

Snoyarc said...

Thanks for letting me know... I'll see if I can get rid of it.

Looking forward to the lunacy!