Thursday, June 28, 2007

Fortune Cookies

I went to dinner with a friend last night and we had Chinese food... we had each gotten 2 fortune cookies and I've got to say, mine made me think:

"Don't be surprised by the emergence of undiscovered talents!"

"You're transforming yourself into someone who is certain to succeed."

I've actually found myself wondering what talent, if any, I have lately, what it is I'm good at that makes me unique (besides the obvious quirky wit of course). Perhaps the "audition" last night for the Christmas program is just one of the ways to uncover some of my hidden talents. How can I use the talents I've been given to glorify God if I don't know what they are? I really hope there is an emergence of undiscovered talent!

As for transforming myself into a successful person, I'm not the one doing it, God is. The only part I have to play in this transformation is letting God have control so He CAN transform me. I've already become successful, I'm an heiress to the most powerful King ever, a daughter to the Ruler of the universe, Creator of everything wonderful. My mansion is being built already, I am already successful. But I do want to strive to be more Christ-like in my daily life, using what I know of Him to transform my life into something better, something that honors and pleases Him. Even though I'm successful, confident of my faith, I feel there is more to do in this life than just taking that success, my status as child of the King, and letting it stop there. There are so many more people in this world who aren't be heirs or heiresses yet... there is much work to be done!

Hugs & Love


Anonymous said...

You know, recently I had been thinking; how harmless would it be to read my horoscope? Just to see if these vague mini prophecies come true or not. But I think that it is like cults; we give them even a little credibility, and they begin to guide our life instead of GOD being our guide. The same goes for fortune cookies; they give yout that tingle when they tell you something you want to hear, but ultimately are meaningless.

But the word of God has predictions which are not only true, but lead us into God's will; Paul writes to the Phillipians that he is confident God will bring to completion the good work started in them.

So be confident that whatever good work God has started in you, it will come to completion as you come to him in prayer.

Snoyarc said...

Oh believe me, I don't come close to putting my faith in fortune cookie messages that are mass produced! I do read them, mostly because my children are learning to read and they think it's fun to read their cookies (isn't that cute?) Anyway, point is, I got the words, but thought of God and applied it to that part of my life instead of saying "fortune cookie equals truth". Does that make any sense at all?

God equals truth.

Fortune cookies just prompted me to think about that truth and reflect on it when I normally wouldn't have. I just thought it was cool that I thought about God while reading a fortune cookie!

As for hororscopes... not worth it! I know NOTHING about it and when in HS used to write the things for the school newspaper. There is a formula too, you give one generalization, one general but negative (minor negative) statement, and one general positive statement to balance the negative, put it together with some fluffy words and you've got... fluffy words that have been pieced together with no real purpose in this world except to pull people away from the truth.

Sorry if I confused you into thinking that I put trust in the cookie.

Anonymous said...

I really didn't think you were entrusting your life to a Fortune Cookie, but it just struck a chord with me, and I had been musing on it for a while.