Friday, November 23, 2007

Long anticipated...

Sorry for such a long delay. I've been so weak and tired that I just didn't know which end was up most days. My medications are now working, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) seems like a happy thing in relation to others that this could have been, and I've gotten the new job with the county! I'm being cleared to return to work on the same day the offer to start at the county is effective and all is well.

God has managed to use me through all of this, much to my surprise, and I'm thrilled He has. I just hope it doesn't take a major illness to get my attention next time!

For the past month or so I've been reading what others have been writing about the Bible, their thoughts and ideas, etc... instead of doing my own digging. I do plan to resume my own study and writing but for now am concentrating on getting better, resting when needed, etc... for those who have told me they miss my input, I'm sorry. I will be back though, I promise!

Hugs & Love


Anonymous said...

Yay! Rachel's back!
Good to hear from you. As long as you are feeding your spirit it doesn't matter if you are reading someone else's thoughts or reading for are getting some spiritual food and that's what matters.
I know you will do great with your new job and Congrats on that!
Love you, girl!

Snoyarc said...


Yes, I've been feeding my spirit in many ways, including theological debates with our own lovable David. He's been quite good at "bopping" me when it's needed along with giving me encouragement. He's such a good friend... and yes, I tell him that often. Now if only he were a few years older... hehe...

Love you too, when are you going to be up this way for a visit? I miss you!

Hugs & Love

Anonymous said...

I am hoping to come up this summer. It all depends on whether or not we can afford it. We usually stay at our Pastor's house in Milford but I will let you know because I definately would love to visit.
How come David hasn't posted anything on his blog lately? I miss reading his stuff too.

Snoyarc said...

He's been concentrating on his school work and has been very busy with it. I'm actually proud of him for neglecting his computer for his school work, I'm not sure I'd have the same willpower in his position!

I hope you can come up this summer, let me know! Miss you!

Hugs & Love